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Serves 2 as main or 4 as an entrée

1 x rack of lamb or 8 lamb cutlets
1/2 jar of Tandoori paste
200ml buttermilk
1 tbsp. honey
1 tbsp. flaked sea salt

Coconut sambal
100gm desiccated coconut
100ml coconut milk
1 green chilli
1 small shallot
2 cloves garlic
1 tsp. chilli flakes
Juice of one lime
1 tsp. sea salt

Black barley rice
100gm black barley
100gm brown rice
1 bay leaf
1 bunch mint
Juice or one lemon

Curry leaf’s
20gm curry leaf’s
1 cup vegetable oil



For the lamb, peel the fat of the front of the rack or lamb and cut down between each bone to produce a lamb cutlet. Mix all the ingredients together for the marinade and pour onto the lamb, marinate for 6 hours or overnight.

Wash the rice and barley and place into salted water with the bay leaf. Cook for 40 minutes on a slow summer and strain, remove the bay leaf. Leave to cool down them mix through the chopped mint, lemon juice, olive oil and salt to create a warm salad.

Place half of the coconut milk onto the desiccated coconut and microwave for 30 seconds to rehydrate the coconut. Place the remaining coconut milk in blender with the rest of the ingredients and pulse combine until smooth. Pour over the desiccated coconut, mix well and leave to absorb for 30 minutes(less or more chilli can be added to taste).

For the curry leaf’s, place the vegetable oil in a pan with high sides and bring to 180 degrees, then place the curry leaf’s in- they will spit a little so take care. Remove with a slotted spoon after 20-30 seconds and place on absorbent paper, season with salt.

The cook the lamb, warm a BBQ or pan to high and place a small amount of vegetable oil in and seal the cutlets for 1 minute of each side. Remove the cutlets and rest for minimum of 5 minutes to relax the meat and let it drop some of its juice.

When ready to eat, divide the barley salad between the plates. Place the lamb back onto a medium heated pan and cook for a further 2 minutes on each side- this will give make the mal medium rare to medium, Divide the lamb between the place, place a spoon of coconut sambal onto plate and scatter with the crispy curry leafs. Drizzle a little more olive oil and salt over the lamb and serve.